In Stock Goldhead Buzzers - Barbed Gold Head UV Black Green Cheeks Buzzer My Fishing Flies GHB24JN £1.10 This Goldhead buzzer is in UV black but has the addition on Fluorescent Green goose biot cheeks Add to Basket
In Stock Diawl Bach UV Rib Black Holo Red Diawl Bach My Fishing Flies DIA73PK £1.20 A Diawl with a UV rib but it also has a holographic red butt and cheeks looks awesome in the water Add to Basket
In Stock Traditional Wet Flies Bibio Leggy Wet My Fishing Flies WTF145 £1.20 A Standard wet Bibio with legs tied at the request of some of our Brown trout fishermen it certainly looks good Add to Basket
In Stock Diawl Bach Black & Peacock Diawl Bach My Fishing Flies DIA11PK £1.20 This pattern has a dyed Black peacock herl body great early season pattern. Add to Basket
In Stock Traditional Dry Flies - Barbless Mosquito Dry Barbless My Fishing Flies Z-DRY078PT £1.20 Originally an Americian pattern but has proved it self to be such an enticing fly that rout on rivers and stillwaters on both sides of the Atlantic are attracted to this proven pattern. Add to Basket
In Stock Daddies Vibrating Gold Head White Daddy My Fishing Flies DAD66PT £1.20 Its bright white colouring, its highly mobile legs and the daddy profile this is a tempting morsel for any trout,fished with short pulls or figure of eight it can be deadly. Add to Basket
In Stock Crunchers Black Holo Green Target Cruncher My Fishing Flies CRU018JN £1.20 This cruncher has a holo green tinsel head and butt Add to Basket
In Stock Dry Flies - Traditional Black Ant Knotted Dry My Fishing Flies DRY017PT £1.20 Best used on hot summer days when a light breeze is blowing the terrestrials off the shore on to the surface of the water. Add to Basket
In Stock Perfect Rubber Worms Cat Perfect Apps Blood Worm - Barbed My Fishing Flies BLW30JN £1.20 A Fl Orange Tungsten bead and Chartreuse Perfect Rubber lags and a mirage body all combine to make this a real killer Add to Basket
In Stock Emerger Buzzers - Barbed Ian's Pearly Claret Emerger Buzzer My Fishing Flies EMG10JN £1.20 A combination of shining pearly rib and a claret coloured body Add to Basket