In Stock Cormorants Green Hotpoint Cormorant My Fishing Flies COR17PK £1.10 Originated in the competition scene and has proved to be a winner Add to Basket
In Stock Daddies Foam Mini Black Daddy My Fishing Flies DAD41PT £1.20 A much smaller version of the foam daddy this one tied in Black, seems to fish very well when there are not a lot of Daddies around. Add to Basket
In Stock Perfect Rubber Worms Fl Red Perfect Rubber Blood Worm - Barbed My Fishing Flies BLW33JN £1.20 Imported from the US, this Perfect Rubber makes this bloodworm even better than the apps because it is softer and more boyant giving it fantastic movement in the water this one is Flou Red in colour Add to Basket
In Stock Bloodworm Ians Orange Blood Brothers My Fishing Flies ILU50PK £1.10 Tied on a size 8 Buzzer hook this is a fairly simple fly with only coloured marabou as a body and tail Add to Basket
In Stock Minkies Minkie Black Booby My Fishing Flies MKY21JN £1.40 Excellent black booby with a pearl Lite Brite body and wonderful dyed minkie fur which gives it great movement in the water Add to Basket
In Stock CDC Shuttle Black CDC Shuttlecock My Fishing Flies CDS02PK £1.20 This one is definitely for fishing on the top, to rising fish. Tied specifically to float high, with a dubbed body (to which you can add just a little floatant under the thorax but do not add floatant to the CDC feathers) Add to Basket
In Stock CDC Buzzer Black CDC Buzzer My Fishing Flies CDC701PK £1.20 Deadly pattern when buzzers are hatching, used on a floating line just cast it out and wait for the trout to take, or you can pull the fly under the water and wait for it to resrface this is usually enough for any hungry trout Add to Basket
In Stock Foam Buzzers and Suspender Buzzers - Barbed Sugar Cube Orange My Fishing Flies BSC02PT £1.00 A very effective buzzer when the natural is getting caught in the surface film. Add to Basket
In Stock CDC Shuttle Ians CDC Hotspot Buzzer My Fishing Flies CDS28PK £1.20 A heavy amount of CDC on this slimline Buzzer style body which has a small red hotspot which sits in the water and it really does the business Add to Basket
In Stock Damsels Ians Red Bead Mini Damsel My Fishing Flies DMS48PK £1.20 A mini damsel with a Fl Red Brass Bead Add to Basket