In Stock Minkies Black Brite Minkie My Fishing Flies MKY01JN £1.40 Natural Black Minkie and a lite brite body on this lure gives it great movement and colour in the water Add to Basket
In Stock Minkies Black Cut Throat Minkie My Fishing Flies MKY05JN £1.40 We have added a little red cut throat to this black minkie as a good aiming point for the fish Add to Basket
In Stock Minkies Brown Cut Throat Minkie My Fishing Flies MKY06JN £1.40 We have added a little red cut throat to this brilliant Brown minkie which due to the minkie fur has a brilliant action in the water. Add to Basket
In Stock Minkies GH White Minkie My Fishing Flies MKY17JN £1.40 White minkie with a goldhead and a pearl lite brite body plain and simple Add to Basket
In Stock Minkies Gold Head Black Cut Throat Minkie My Fishing Flies MKY11JN £1.40 A stunning Black goldhead Minkie, it has a pearl lite brite body and a orange lite brite collar just after the goldbead giving a terrific aiming point for the fish Add to Basket
In Stock Minkies Gold Head Brown Cut Throat Minkie My Fishing Flies MKY12JN £1.40 A Brown goldhead Minkie with a difference it has a pearl lite brite body and a orange lite brite collar just after the goldbead giving a terrific aiming point for the fish Add to Basket
In Stock Minkies Gold Head Brown Minkie My Fishing Flies MKY14JN £1.40 This Brown Minkie goldhead version has a pearl lite brite body the goldhead gives it a great up and down movement when retreived with a jerky pull Add to Basket
In Stock Minkies Gold Head Natural Minkie My Fishing Flies MKY15JN £1.40 Natural coloured fur and the addition of a goldhead to this minkie can make it a very potent fly Add to Basket
In Stock Minkies Gold Head Orange Minkie My Fishing Flies MKY16JN £1.40 An Orange minkie with a goldhead which gives it a great up and down movement so you should retrieve it fairly quickly and then stop every so often Add to Basket
In Stock Minkies Gold Head UV Natural Minkie My Fishing Flies MKY18JN £1.40 A goldhead Natural minkie with a dubbed body with some fine UV strands through it Add to Basket
In Stock Minkies Gold Head White Cut Throat My Fishing Flies MKY09JN £1.40 This new white goldhead Minkie has a pearl lite brite body and a orange lite brite spot just after the goldbead, the goldhead gives it a great up and down movement when retreived with a jerky pull Add to Basket
In Stock Minkies Minkie Black Booby My Fishing Flies MKY21JN £1.40 Excellent black booby with a pearl Lite Brite body and wonderful dyed minkie fur which gives it great movement in the water Add to Basket
In Stock Minkies Minkie Orange Booby My Fishing Flies MKY24JN £1.40 As a booby this is a terrific attractor as the movement is particularly good and Orange is a great back end colour Add to Basket
Last items in stock Minkies Minkie White Booby My Fishing Flies MKY25JN £1.40 As a booby this is a terrific attractor as the movement in the white mink strip is particularly good it also has a pearl Lite Brite body giving it an additional attraction . Add to Basket
In Stock Minkies Natural Brite Minkie My Fishing Flies MKY03JN £1.40 Natural Minkie fur and a lite brite body a good combination and great movement to entice the fish Add to Basket
In Stock Minkies Orange Brite Minkie My Fishing Flies MKY02JN £1.40 Dyed Orange Minkie fur combined with a lite brite body on this fly gives it great movement and colour in the water Add to Basket
In Stock Minkies White Brite Minkie My Fishing Flies MKY04JN £1.40 Works really well when stripped back and then left for a few seconds before starting the retrieve again Add to Basket
In Stock Minkies White Cut Throat Minkie My Fishing Flies MKY08JN £1.40 A brilliant bright white Minkie with an added little red cut throat which makes a huge difference to your catch rate Add to Basket