In Stock Bloodworm Amber Epoxy Flexifloss Tail Bloodworm - Barbed My Fishing Flies BLW54A-PK £1.20 Flexifloss in this bloodworm with its segmented appearance is very like the natural in the water the epoxy body helps to get it down quickly in the water Add to Basket
In Stock Bloodworm Black Critter Worm - Barbed My Fishing Flies BLW51PK £1.10 If customer feedback is anything to go by this is a sure fire winner, it has been taking limit bags wherever it has been used fish it on a floating line with long slow pulls Add to Basket
Out-of-Stock Bloodworm Black/Green Critter Worm My Fishing Flies BLW52PK £1.10 At a customers suggestion we have fitted a Green bead to this very prolific black bloodworm we have not tried it yet but it certainly looks the part. View
In Stock Bloodworm Boyant Blood Worm - Barbed My Fishing Flies BLW50PK £1.10 This foam backed bloodworm is unusual but very effective and a really good fly for bringing the fish up. Add to Basket
In Stock Bloodworm Epoxy Silver Blood Worm - Barbed My Fishing Flies BLW55PK £1.10 The epoxy body on this pattern helps it sink very quickly trailing the red Marabou tail behind it, so watch out for takes on the drop. Add to Basket
In Stock Bloodworm Gold Head Blood Worm PIP - Barbed My Fishing Flies BLW77PK £1.10 A Flexifloss Bloodworm with a goldbead to help sink it quickly Add to Basket
In Stock Bloodworm Gold Head Epoxy Flexifloss Bloodworm - Barbed My Fishing Flies BLW71PK £1.10 A goldheaded flexifloss epoxy body with a long flexifloss tail sinks like a stone and fish take this as it drops through the watwer Add to Basket
In Stock Bloodworm Gold Head Epoxy Marabou Blood Worm - Barbed My Fishing Flies BLW72PK £1.20 Marabou on the tail of this pattern, a goldbead and an epoxy body makes it drop through the water very quickly. Add to Basket
Out-of-Stock Bloodworm Gold Head Flexifloss Blood Worm - Barbed My Fishing Flies BLW73PK £1.10 Goldheaded bloodworm which has Flexifloss in this fly with its segmented appearance is very like the natural in the water. View
In Stock Bloodworm Gold Head Holo Red Blood Worm - Barbed My Fishing Flies BLW74PK £1.10 A Red Flexifloss buzzer with a goldhead and a holographic red body Awesome !!!!!!!!!! Add to Basket
In Stock Bloodworm Gold Head Marabou Blood Worm - Barbed My Fishing Flies BLW75PK £1.00 The goldbead on the head of this fly ensures that it gets down quickly to the fish, then a slow long pull then let it drop back down through the water the marabou tail does the rest Add to Basket
In Stock Bloodworm Gold Head Red Copper Wire Marabou Bloodworm - Barbed My Fishing Flies BLW76PK £1.00 A Goldheded bloodworm with a red copper wired body and a marabou tail , ideal to get it down quickly Add to Basket
In Stock Bloodworm Hot Bodied Northern Yellow Bloodworm - Barbed My Fishing Flies BLW36PK £1.10 Canary Yellow Flexi Floss Legs with Orange Pearlescent Plastic Beaded Body. Add to Basket
In Stock Bloodworm Hot Head Black Blood Worm - Barbed My Fishing Flies BLW60PK £1.10 This little Black Bloodworm with a fluo green hothead has been very potent catching a great many fish for me season after season. Add to Basket
In Stock Bloodworm Ians Black Blood Brothers My Fishing Flies ILU48PK £1.10 Tied on a size 8 Buzzer hook this is a fairly simple fly with only coloured marabou as a body and tail Add to Basket
Out-of-Stock Bloodworm Ians Glass Bloodworm - Barbed My Fishing Flies BLW78PK £1.10 A Red Marabou tailed bloodworm with a varnished Holographic Red body View
In Stock Bloodworm Ians Olive Blood Brothers My Fishing Flies ILU49PK £1.10 Tied on a size 8 Buzzer hook this is a fairly simple fly with only coloured marabou as a body and tail Add to Basket
In Stock Bloodworm Ians Orange Blood Brothers My Fishing Flies ILU50PK £1.10 Tied on a size 8 Buzzer hook this is a fairly simple fly with only coloured marabou as a body and tail Add to Basket
In Stock Bloodworm Ians Red Blood Brothers My Fishing Flies ILU51PK £1.10 Tied on a size 8 Buzzer hook this is a fairly simple fly with only coloured marabou as a body and tail Add to Basket
In Stock Bloodworm Ians Yellow Blood Brothers My Fishing Flies ILU52PK £1.10 Tied on a size 8 Buzzer hook this is a fairly simple fly with only coloured marabou as a body and tail Add to Basket
In Stock Bloodworm Marabou Blood Worm - Barbed My Fishing Flies BLW56PK £1.10 Just a little marabou on the tail of these patterns gives it a really good lifelike appearance and fished with a pull and then allowing it to sink, devastating. Add to Basket
In Stock Bloodworm Marabou Fritz Throat Bloodworm - Barbed My Fishing Flies BLW57PK £1.00 The fritz on the head of this marabou tailed pattern help to slow the sink rate down. Add to Basket
In Stock Bloodworm Mini Bloodworm - Barbed My Fishing Flies BLW58PK £1.10 A Bright Fl Red bead and twisted flexifloss for a tail, Simple but potent For this pattern we have used Bill McIlroy's Blood Red Buzzer Flex Add to Basket
In Stock Apps Worms Northern Golden Olive Blood Worm - Barbed My Fishing Flies BLW06PK £1.20 Just love this bloodworm in an unusual olive colouring and the extra legs and different coloured beads make it irrisistable to the fish. The material we used for this is Bill McIlroy's Golden Olive Buzzer Flex Add to Basket