In Stock Goldhead Buzzers - Barbed Gold Head Red Oky Dky Buzzer My Fishing Flies GHB33JN £1.10 Fluo Red Goldhead Okey Dokey Buzzer Cracking !!!!!!! Add to Basket
In Stock Flexifloss Buzzers - Barbed Olive Hotspot Fl Orange Flexifloss Buzzer My Fishing Flies BFF16JN £1.00 a bright Flourescent Orange thorax on this Olive flexifloss buzzer, fish it on your floating line with a figure of eight retrieve Add to Basket
In Stock Damsels Hot Head Red, Grizzle Damsel My Fishing Flies DMS09PK £1.20 This is my biggest seller for damsels and has been for a number of years with the hot head and the lite brite shining through the grizzle hackle it really works. Add to Basket
In Stock Epoxy Buzzers - Barbed Dennis the Menace Epoxy Buzzer My Fishing Flies EPB040JN £1.00 A fantastic Buzzer the combination of Black and Red has proved to be very populr with the fish great reports from all who tried them. Add to Basket
In Stock Spiders Black Holo Gold Thorax Spider My Fishing Flies SPD06PT £1.20 A cracking little Black Spider with bright holo Gold thorax Add to Basket
In Stock Goldhead Buzzers - Barbed Gold Head Black Green Cheeks Buzzer My Fishing Flies GHB03JN £1.10 A Black Goldhead epoxy buzzer with a bright fluo Green cheeks and a distinctive pearl rib Add to Basket
In Stock CDC High Rider Black CDC High Rider My Fishing Flies CDC900PK £1.20 This is a great fly for fishing in a good wave with the amount of cdc it floats very well. Add to Basket
In Stock Epoxy Buzzers - Barbed Lite Brite Epoxy Buzzer My Fishing Flies EPB048JN £1.00 The name says it all lite brite over the thorax gives it a fantastic appeal to trout, Add to Basket
In Stock Epoxy Buzzers - Barbed Red Ribbed Epoxy Buzzer My Fishing Flies EPB077JN £1.00 A Red Epoxy Buzzer with a very visable rib Add to Basket
In Stock Stalking Bugs - Barbed Pink Stalking Bug My Fishing Flies STB05JN £1.20 You can't beat a bit of sparkle to get some attention from the ladies. This pattern has been revamped using Sybai Silver Wire and Sybai Silver Beads Add to Basket