In Stock Traditional Wet Flies UV Kate McLaren Wet My Fishing Flies WTF139 £1.20 The ever popular wet fly tied with a body of Black UV Micro Fritz and a small brown hackle Add to Basket
In Stock Traditional Wet Flies Woodcock and Hares Lug Wet My Fishing Flies WTF128 £1.20 . Add to Basket
In Stock Dapping Flies Bivisable Dapping Fly My Fishing Flies DPF01PT £1.20 I really like this combination of White and Black it has worked for me often Add to Basket
In Stock Traditional Wet Flies Black Spider Wet My Fishing Flies WTF013 £1.20 Can be fished anywhere on cast can be taken for any small black flies or a black buzzer. Add to Basket
In Stock Sea Trout Grouse and Claret Sea Trout My Fishing Flies STR08PT £1.30 Great all round fly usually fished on one of the droppers the Grouse & Claret is very popular. Its colour combination of claret black & a hint of gold work well in our dark or peaty waters. Add to Basket
In Stock Standard Buzzers - Barbed Red Standard Buzzer My Fishing Flies BSD06JN £1.00 A bloodworm style of standard buzzer great on heavily fished waters Add to Basket
In Stock Lures Different Ally McCoist My Fishing Flies LD01PK £1.20 From a local Flytyer this pattern has been the Lure to use, catches everywhere and has sold in its thousands Add to Basket
In Stock Traditional Wet Flies Heather Moth Wet My Fishing Flies WTF061 £1.20 Made to imitate the heather moths that are blown onto the water in the summer it also has some success at other times probably taken as caddis fly. Add to Basket
In Stock Traditional Wet Flies Haul-A-Gwynt Welsh My Fishing Flies WTF150 £1.20 Haul a Gwynt means 'Sun and Wind' in Welsh; exactly the conditions to fish the fly, with fluffy clouds about and a good stiff breeze Add to Basket