In Stock Epoxy Buzzers - Barbed Red Wire Epoxy Buzzer My Fishing Flies EPB079JN £1.00 THis buzzer fishes just that little bit deeper and the wire makes it sink very quickly. its also one of those buzzers that frequently takes fish on the drop. Add to Basket
In Stock Sedge Devils Caddis Hares Ear Sedge My Fishing Flies SED12PK £1.40 A great little hares ear caddis pattern this one has a trimmed wing style of deer hair and a parachute hackle to make sure it can skim across the water Add to Basket
In Stock Pheasant Tail Nymphs Pheasant Tail Sawyer Black Nymph My Fishing Flies PTN07PT £1.10 This Black version of the ever popular Sawyers Nymph has proved to be a winner Add to Basket
In Stock Traditional Wet Flies Red Arsed Leggy Green Peter Wet My Fishing Flies WTF143 £1.20 The very popular Green Peter with tiny legs to give it a bit extra it also has a small red butt Awesome !!!!!!!!!!!! Add to Basket
In Stock Fly Casts & Leaders Leeda Profil Selecta Dry Fly Casts Leeda ACC-LEEDA £2.99 9 Feet - 7lb - Knotless Tapered Cast with Brown Loop 6lb - Knotless Tapered Cast with Lilac Loop 5lb - Knotless Tapered Cast with Blue Loop Add to Basket
In Stock Minkies Gold Head Natural Minkie My Fishing Flies MKY15JN £1.40 Natural coloured fur and the addition of a goldhead to this minkie can make it a very potent fly Add to Basket
In Stock Traditional Wet Flies March Brown Silver Wet My Fishing Flies WTF086 £1.20 Like the March Brown this is a good hatching sedge immitation but I find this an even better fly/ Add to Basket
In Stock Montana Nymphs Green Gold Body Montana My Fishing Flies MNN15PT £1.20 What can you say about this nymph in all its forms it just catches fish Add to Basket
In Stock Hares Ear Nymphs Orange Tag Hares Ear My Fishing Flies HEN19PT £1.10 A standard hares ear but with the addition of a vibrant orange tail. Can be fished at any time of the year Add to Basket