In Stock Traditional Nymphs - Barbless Muskins Black Green Nymph - Barbless My Fishing Flies Z-SSN45PT £1.00 The Muskins is a very subtle variation on a Black Pheasant Tail Nymph with its black body this version also has a vibrant green thorax a great aiming point for the fish. Add to Basket
In Stock Jelly Blob Biscuit/Marshmallow Pink Jelly Blob My Fishing Flies BLJ09JY £1.00 Tied on a Size 8 B160 Kamasan Hook this two tone Biscuit and Marshmallow Pink coloured jelly blob is tied with fully Translucent Jelly Fritz Add to Basket
In Stock Para Dry Black Gnat Para Dry My Fishing Flies PDR02PT £1.20 This fly covers just about any black fly that is found on the surface of any British stillwater. Early season chironomids, hawthorn flies and dark sedges, all are imitated by this pattern. Add to Basket
In Stock Klinkhammer Killer Hares Ear Klinkhammer My Fishing Flies KL47PT £1.20 It doesnt look like much but this has caught me loads of fish, but it must be fished static do not move it just wait on the fish coming to you Add to Basket
In Stock CDC Hopper Claret CDC Hopper My Fishing Flies CDH03PK £1.20 A Claret bodied CDC hopper tied wing style these shurely a must have for any dry fly fisherman Add to Basket
In Stock Traditional Nymphs Pond Olive Nymph My Fishing Flies SSN19PT £1.00 One of my particular favourites fished on a floater and slowly retrieved along reed beds Add to Basket
In Stock Mayfly Olive Partridge Mayfly My Fishing Flies MF24PT £1.30 As the name would suggest its an olive version of the Partridge series of mayflies Add to Basket
In Stock Para Dry Emerger Orange Para Dry My Fishing Flies PDR10PT £1.20 A bright Orange emerger with a darker rib to give it a nice segmented appearance Add to Basket
In Stock Dry Flies - Traditional G.R.H.E. Dry My Fishing Flies DRY045PT £1.20 Frederic M Halford was responsible for the addition of the wings on the original GRHE in 1880's, as he thought it was a fair representation of a dun in the act of disentangling itself from the nymphal shuck, and it has proved to be a winner. Add to Basket
In Stock Jelly Blob Biscuit Jelly Blob My Fishing Flies BLJ02JY £1.00 Tied on a Size 10 B160 Kamasan Hook this new Biscuit coloured jelly blob is tied with fully Translucent Jelly Fritz Add to Basket