In Stock Milk Shake Blobs Strawberry & Banana Milk Shake Jelly Blob My Fishing Flies BLJ72JY £1.00 Add to Basket
In Stock Crunchers Hot Head Orange Cruncher My Fishing Flies CRU502JN £1.20 This and Green are my favourite colours very effective mid season Add to Basket
In Stock Hoppers Hares Ear Hopper Popper My Fishing Flies HPP06PK £1.20 A Hares Ear version of the populatr Hopper Popper series love this one late in the evening Add to Basket
In Stock Boobies Rhubarb and Custard Booby My Fishing Flies BBY039JY £1.20 A fine UV Straggle bodied booby with an unusual coloured Marabou tail and wing Add to Basket
In Stock Gold Head Blob Orange & Sunburst Gold Head Blob My Fishing Flies BGH10JY £1.20 A great goldheaded two tone blob and the fish think so as well, this blob also has a pearl flashtail tag which makes all the difference Add to Basket
In Stock Booby Mini UV Orange and UV Sunburst Mini Bite Booby My Fishing Flies BBY620JN £1.20 If the success rate of this colour combination when it is tied as a Fab blob is replicated in this Mini bite booby you should have some in your flybox Add to Basket
In Stock Crunchers Standard Yellow Owl Cruncher My Fishing Flies CRU015JN £1.20 The ever popular cruncher with a segmented yellow owl style body I like to fish this washing line style with a diawl bach Add to Basket
In Stock Diawl Bach UV Rib Black Holo Green Diawl Bach My Fishing Flies DIA74PK £1.20 My particular favourite this Diawl has a UV rib but it also has a holographic green butt and cheeks great on the washing line Add to Basket
In Stock Synthetic Quill Buzzers - Barbed SQ Rust White Cheeks Buzzer My Fishing Flies BSQ07JN £1.00 Tied with a Veniards Synthetic Quill body of Rust and bright White Cheeks Add to Basket
In Stock Traditional Wet Flies Butcher Silver Wet My Fishing Flies WTF025 £1.20 Originally known as Moons Fly after its originator who was also a butcher then it became the butcher, it fishes well on any position on a wet fly cast. Add to Basket