In Stock CDC High Rider Black CDC High Rider My Fishing Flies CDC900PK £1.20 This is a great fly for fishing in a good wave with the amount of cdc it floats very well. Add to Basket
In Stock CDC F Fly Orange CDC F Fly My Fishing Flies CDF08PK £1.20 A recent addition to the colour range this Orange has proved to be very potent Add to Basket
In Stock CDC F Fly Bibio CDC F Fly My Fishing Flies CDF01PK £1.20 First tied by Slovenian Marjan Fratnik, where he used it to great effect on his home rivers, it is a brilliant fly to use on rivers or stillwaters when flies are visable on the surface Add to Basket
In Stock Klinkhammer Adams Grey Klinkhammer My Fishing Flies KL01PT £1.20 A cracking little Grey Adams Klink with a bright Fl Orange post Add to Basket
In Stock Foam Beetle Orange Black Fritz Foam Beetle My Fishing Flies FM11PT £1.20 Another one thats something just a little different this beetle has a black fritz body and an orange foam back Add to Basket
In Stock CDC Dry Greenwell CDC My Fishing Flies CDC510PK £1.20 A most successful trout and grayling fly fished throughout the world on rivers and still waters. Best in Spring and Summer, as its an excellent olive imitation Add to Basket
In Stock CDC Emerger Claret Emerger CDC My Fishing Flies CDC007PK £1.20 A deadly pattern wherever buzzers are hatching. Used on a floating line, the fly is cast out and then either wait for the trout to take the fly, cover a rise with the fly or pull the CDC under the surface of the water and allow it to resurface with the buoyancy of the CDC feathers, the latter method can have dramatic catching effects. Add to Basket
In Stock Blood Worms - Barbless Gold Head Marabou Blood Worm Barbless My Fishing Flies Z-BLW75PK £1.20 The goldbead on the head of this fly ensures that it gets down quickly to the fish, then a slow long pull then let it drop back down through the water the marabou tail does the rest Add to Basket
In Stock Tadpole Hot Head Orange, Fritz, Olive Tadpole My Fishing Flies TAD14PT £1.10 The combination of a Fl Orange Hot Head and a Mini Olive Pearl Fritz at the body of a 'standard' Olive Tadpole makes the world of difference. Add to Basket
In Stock CDC Dry Ians CDC Caddis My Fishing Flies CDC526PK £1.20 A Body of Brown Seals fur and a brown cock hackle clipped so that it sits in the surface flim Add to Basket