In Stock Crunchers Black Bibio Body Cruncher My Fishing Flies CRU101JN £1.20 A Black Cruncher with a traditional Bibio ( Red/Black ) body Add to Basket
In Stock Booby Longtail Damsel Destroyer Longtail Booby My Fishing Flies BBY702PK £1.20 Fantastic all round two tone Damsel style body with a good long tail Add to Basket
In Stock Daddies Drowned Claret Daddy My Fishing Flies DAD06PT £1.20 A fine claret bodied Daddy tied in the drowned style with the wings back Add to Basket
On sale!-£0.20 In Stock Epoxy Buzzers - Barbed Ians Deep Buzzer Fluo Chartreuse My Fishing Flies EPB107SL £0.80 £1.00 This Lead wire body gets this buzzer down deep and quickly, and the fluo Chartreuse head is an additional attraction for the fish Add to Basket
In Stock Muddlers Wickhams Pearly Muddler My Fishing Flies MM36PK £1.40 Like many of the most successful Muddlers this has a pearly body and being a Wickhams it has a hackled body giving it good movement. Add to Basket
In Stock Perfect Rubber Worms Fl Red Perfect Rubber Blood Worm - Barbed My Fishing Flies BLW33JN £1.20 Imported from the US, this Perfect Rubber makes this bloodworm even better than the apps because it is softer and more boyant giving it fantastic movement in the water this one is Flou Red in colour Add to Basket
In Stock CDC Shuttle Diawl Bach CDC Shuttlecock My Fishing Flies CDS05PK £1.20 A really unusual CDC this one with a Diawl body and the CDC added to let it float high in the water, its a very late addition and it will be next season before we get the verdict on its success. Add to Basket
In Stock Shipman Buzzers - Barbed Black Shipmans Buzzer My Fishing Flies BSH02PT £1.00 My all time favShipmans this just works for me all the time Add to Basket
In Stock Muddlers Wingless Wickhams Muddler My Fishing Flies MM35PK £1.40 A Wigless version of the Wickhams it has a hackled body giving it good movement as well as the Muddler Head. Add to Basket
In Stock UV Blobs UV Orange Flashtail Blob My Fishing Flies BUV33JY £1.00 By far one of the most popular of the UV Blobs it catches lots of fish every season and all year round Add to Basket