In Stock Okey Dokeys Tailed White and Lime Okey Dokey My Fishing Flies BOD08PK £1.00 This White and Lime version has the addition of a small white tail and it seems to work when the natural aint catching Add to Basket
In Stock Lure Goldhead Fritz Black Cut Throat Gold Head Fritz Lure - Barbed My Fishing Flies GFL16JY £1.20 A Black Pearl fritz bodied lure with a few turns of Red Maxi straggle fritz to give it a cut throat apperance Add to Basket
Out-of-Stock Foam Buzzers and Suspender Buzzers Hares Ear/Chartreuse Suspender Buzzer My Fishing Flies BSP06PK £1.20 A Hares Ear Suspender buzzer with a little bit of Chatreuse Lite Briteon the thorax Wonderful !!!!!!!!!! View
In Stock Diawl Bach Glow Cheeks Neon Diawl Bach My Fishing Flies DIA26PK £1.20 With its neon rib body and stand out cheeks it does the business. Add to Basket
In Stock Traditional Wet Flies Leven Spider Wet My Fishing Flies WTF080 £1.20 As its name would suggest, its one of the more popular bob flies on the Leven but works equally well where there are brown trout. Add to Basket
In Stock UV Epoxy Buzzers UV Orange Phosphur Cheeks Epoxy Buzzer My Fishing Flies EPU20JN £1.00 Probably the most important pattern in my box fished on a floating line across the wind and allowed to drift, the fish just hook themselves Add to Basket
In Stock Minkies Gold Head Black Cut Throat Minkie My Fishing Flies MKY11JN £1.40 A stunning Black goldhead Minkie, it has a pearl lite brite body and a orange lite brite collar just after the goldbead giving a terrific aiming point for the fish Add to Basket
In Stock Muddlers Gold Body Red Tag Muddler My Fishing Flies MM14PK £1.40 A gold tinsel body to give it a bit of flash a fluo red tail for extra attraction and a muddler head to keep it up in the water what more do you need Add to Basket
In Stock Okey Dokeys White and Lime Okey Dokey My Fishing Flies BOD06PK £1.00 This buzzer has caught countless fish in all its different patterns with the white/lime probably being the most popular, but give the rest a try because you never know what may happen Add to Basket
In Stock Damsels Hot Head Red, Fritz Body Damsel My Fishing Flies DMS08PK £1.20 A bright Fluo Red bead on a Pearlised Mini Fritz Bodied with a hint of Pearlised Flash through the Marabou Tail Yet another cracker !!!!!!! Add to Basket