In Stock Tungsten Flies Pheasant Tail Yellow Tungsten My Fishing Flies NT15PT £1.30 A Tungsten bead, pheasant Tail body with a fine wire rib and a collar of Yellow Glister at the thorax Add to Basket
In Stock Diawl Bach Neon Holo Body Diawl Bach My Fishing Flies DIA32PK £1.20 I have found that some days this Neon ribbed standard Diawl just cant be beat. Add to Basket
In Stock Traditional Wet Flies Blue Quill Wet My Fishing Flies WTF018 £1.20 Great early season pattern very effective because the body which is made from peacock herl, from which all of the fuzz has been removed from the barbual gives the fly a segmented look. Add to Basket
In Stock Traditional Wet Flies Connemara Black Twinkle Wet My Fishing Flies WTF153 £1.20 Fish the Twinkle Connemara on the middle dropper early in the season when black buzzers are hatching, or on the bob if black gnats are flying. Add to Basket
In Stock Spiders - Barbless Black Holo Red Thorax Spider - Barbless My Fishing Flies Z-SPD08PT £1.20 Bright Red holographic tinsel cheeks as an aiming point on this little black spider. Add to Basket
In Stock Tungsten Flies Shrimper Pink Tungsten My Fishing Flies NT09PT £1.30 This tungsten shrimp works pink a very prolific colour Add to Basket
In Stock CDC Emerger Hares Ear Emerger CDC My Fishing Flies CDC008PK £1.20 A deadly pattern wherever buzzers are hatching. Used on a floating line, the fly is cast out and then either wait for the trout to take the fly, cover a rise with the fly and this hares ear version will catch season long Add to Basket
In Stock Tungsten Flies Copper Hares Ear Pink My Fishing Flies NT12PT £1.30 A Copper Tungsten Bead,a Hares Ear Body with a fine wire rib and a bright Pink glister thorax Add to Basket
In Stock Humpy Pink Yellow Humpy Blob My Fishing Flies BLB065JY £1.10 A cracking two tone blob of Pink and Yellow, this one tied in the new Humpy style Add to Basket