In Stock CDC Shuttle Black/Red CDC Shuttlecock My Fishing Flies CDS03PK £1.20 I like the red and black combination on the body and so do the fish. Add to Basket
In Stock Spiders Arachnid Spider My Fishing Flies SPD03PT £1.20 Whether used on rivers or stillwaters small sparsley tied spiders work equally well with browns and rainbows. Add to Basket
In Stock Daddies Muddler Daddy My Fishing Flies DAD16PT £1.20 A standard Daddy tied Muddler style, gink this one up and skite it across the water Brill !!!!! Add to Basket
In Stock Dry Flies - Traditional Adams Dry My Fishing Flies DRY001PT £1.20 This a very versatile and effective dry fly as it covers most of the olives and the March browns too. Add to Basket
In Stock Sedgehogs Black Sedgehog My Fishing Flies SHG02PK £1.40 When everything else dont work this is the colour I try, and sometimes it works Add to Basket
In Stock Foam Buzzers and Suspender Buzzers - Barbed KT Olive Suspender Buzzer My Fishing Flies BSP14PK £1.20 A variation on the suspender concept, this Olive version has been getting rave notices from our customers Add to Basket
In Stock Sedge Bullet Olive Elk Hair My Fishing Flies EHE10PK £1.40 Tied some of these for a customer and whilst they were being tied thought they look so good, Im going to put them on the site, so here they are and the best of luck. Add to Basket
In Stock Midge Pupa Bibio Midge Pupa My Fishing Flies MP01PK £1.10 Great little fly in low light conditions and in all colours this one my favourite Bibio patterns Add to Basket
In Stock Diawl Bach UV Olive Diawl Bach My Fishing Flies DIA71PK £1.20 .A Diawl Bach with UV Olive body and bright Fluo Green Goose biot cheeks fantastic !!!!!!!!!!!! Add to Basket
In Stock Sedge Ians CDC Orchil Sedge My Fishing Flies CDC529PK £1.40 Another CDC pattern that I have tied for one of our local fisheries but I have been using it at various venues with some success Add to Basket