Last items in stock Salmon Doubles Junction Shrimp Double My Fishing Flies SAL54 £2.00 Named after the Junction Pool of the River Tweed, one of the few rivers where flies with a degree of white about them are favoured particularly at dusk. Add to Basket
In Stock Salmon Doubles McLure Shrimp Double My Fishing Flies SAL58SL £2.00 A Davie McPhaill pattern which has been very successful in south west Scotland in both Summer and Autumn. Add to Basket
In Stock Pheasant Tail Nymphs Orange Thorax Pheasant Tail My Fishing Flies PTN12PT £1.10 An Orange seals fur thorax and a red game hackle on the head of this pheasant tail bulks up the nymph and makes a tidy morsel for the fish Add to Basket
In Stock Stalking Bugs - Barbed Orange Stalking Bug My Fishing Flies STB04JN £1.20 The colour bright orange and this small bug a great combination Add to Basket
In Stock Daddies Standard Daddy My Fishing Flies DAD01PT £1.20 This is one you must have in your box when the fish are switched on to them the sport can be fantastic when they are getting blown onto water the trout ignore everything else. Add to Basket
In Stock Traditional Wet Flies Grouse and Orange Wet My Fishing Flies WTF057 £1.20 Grouse & Orange is another one of the grouse winged trout fishing flies. And is also a good imitation of the sedge, or caddis fly. Add to Basket
In Stock Traditional Wet Flies Black Pennel Wet My Fishing Flies WTF012 £1.20 This is a very good fly on the top dropper when duck fly or black gnats are on the water best fished near the surface especially deadly in a good wave. Add to Basket
In Stock Traditional Wet Flies Mallard and Claret Wet My Fishing Flies WTF083 £1.20 Accredited to William Murdoch of Aberdeen, the Mallard and Claret has few peers as a general loch fly. No fly box is complete without it, or its near relative, the Grouse and Claret. A favourite of many trout fishermen here in Scotland as a first dropper. Add to Basket
In Stock Shrimps Red Epoxy Shrimp My Fishing Flies SHR07PK £1.20 Some anglers swear by these Red shrimps its probably down to what is actually in the water you are fishing Add to Basket
In Stock Flexifloss Buzzers - Barbed Black Hot Green Butt Flexifloss Buzzer My Fishing Flies BFF05JN £1.00 Another one of these Black Flexifloss buzzers with a bright little hot butt and Sunburst goose biot cheeks Add to Basket