On sale! -£0.30 In Stock Boobies Orange Maxi Booby My Fishing Flies BBY059SL £0.90 £1.20 Yellow foam eyes and a body of Orange Maxi straggle fritz and a marabou tail of black Add to Basket
In Stock Sedge Stimulator Muddler Sedge My Fishing Flies SED43PK £1.40 A deer hair muddler style head and a palmered body means this fly makes a real good wake, fish it on a floating line and on the bob and watch out for these aggressive takes Add to Basket
In Stock Para Dry Hawthorn Para Dry My Fishing Flies PDR16PT £1.20 Another hawthorn pattern with a slightly slimmer body which helps it to float high up in the water. Add to Basket
In Stock Dry Flies - Traditional Ians Comparadun Dun Double Decker My Fishing Flies DRY065PK £1.20 A cracking little double decker Comparadun when the fish are sipping in the film put this on a watch out. Add to Basket
In Stock CDC Dry Comparadum Brown CDC My Fishing Flies CDC502PK £1.20 The CDC Comparadun is a very effective little pattern, it imitates many small emerging insects and is deffinetly one to have in your box. Add to Basket
In Stock Sedge Devils Caddis Olive Sedge My Fishing Flies SED13PK £1.40 A great little olive caddis pattern this one has a trimmed wing style of deer hair and a parachute hackle to make sure it can skim across the water Add to Basket
On sale! -£0.45 In Stock Traditional Wet Flies Olive Dun Wet My Fishing Flies WTF094SL £0.75 £1.20 A top pattern for trout and grayling, suitable anywhere in the world, especially in limestone waters but usually fishes best in spring through to early summer Add to Basket
In Stock Stalking Bugs Black Stalking Bug My Fishing Flies STB01JN £1.10 A great little stalking bug black is a very popular colour with anglers and fish alike Add to Basket
In Stock Hoppers Amber Hopper Popper My Fishing Flies HPP01JN £1.00 Pop this along the water surface and watch out for some smashing takes Ahrex hook poppers have been complemented with High Density Foam tops which have been rounded and heated which allows them to sit higher in the water film for longer Add to Basket