In Stock Dry Flies - Traditional Pheasant Tail Dry My Fishing Flies DRY084PT £1.20 Created by Payne Collier in the early 1900's this fly still catches plenty of fish on the rivers of Britain. Will often produce fish when all else has failed, it is always worth a try on unfamiliar waters when unsure what pattern to use. Add to Basket
In Stock UV Epoxy Buzzers UV Black Red Butt Epoxy Buzzer My Fishing Flies EPU07JN £1.00 Probably the most important pattern in my box fished on a floating line across the wind and allowed to drift, the fish just hook themselves Add to Basket
In Stock Lure Goldhead Fritz Red Krystal Killer My Fishing Flies KK06PK £1.20 Tied with the new Krystal Fritz on its day this colour can be deadly. Add to Basket
In Stock Muddlers White Cat Muddler My Fishing Flies MM58PK £1.40 A bright Orange muddler head over a white Marabou wing a little cracker Add to Basket
In Stock Epoxy Buzzers Hot Orange Epoxy Buzzer My Fishing Flies EPB045JN £1.00 aA vivid and striking Hot Orange epoxy buzzer looks tremendous in the water Add to Basket
In Stock Crunchers Ians UV Sunburst Cruncher My Fishing Flies CRU79JN £1.20 A Standard Cruncher with a UV Micro fritz thorax of Sunburst Stunning Add to Basket
In Stock Traditional Nymphs Lawfield Nymph My Fishing Flies SSN35PT £1.00 This has been a revelation on one of the West of Scotland lochs it certainly looks good !!!!!!!!!!! Add to Basket
In Stock Muddlers Yellow Owl Mini Muddler My Fishing Flies MM37PK £1.40 The muddler that everyone wanted last season as it was proving to be a real fish attractor and catcher Add to Basket
In Stock Zonker Minkie Dumbell Zonker My Fishing Flies ZNK34JN £1.40 A Dumbell Zonker tied on a Std size 8 wide Gape Hook with a Minkie tail and a white lite brite body Add to Basket
In Stock Humungus Silver and Black Baby Humungus My Fishing Flies HU12PK £1.20 As the name describes these are a miniature version of the very popular humungus lure Add to Basket