In Stock Sedge Sedge Hi-Float My Fishing Flies SED87PK £1.40 This one really floats due to the ethafoam body, just skate it across the water surface and watch out !!!! Add to Basket
In Stock Sinkant & Floatant Gink Fly Floatant George Gehrke's ACC £7.49 An instant hit with fly fishermen as its a very popular long lasting silicone gel fly floatant, it is temperature sensitive and works best at body temperature hence always squeeze a drop onto your forefinger and make it more fluid by rubbing against your thumb then wipe the liquefied floatant onto the hackles, tail and wings or even the body of your fly.... Add to Basket
In Stock Wet Flies - Barbless Kate McLaren Wet Barbless My Fishing Flies Z-WTF073PK £1.20 by far the most popular Wet fly tied barbless Add to Basket
In Stock Dabbler Brown Dabbler My Fishing Flies DAB03PK £1.20 Dabblers are a classic wet pulling pattern - this is our take on a natural brown version Add to Basket
In Stock Diawl Bach Devil Red Diawl Bach My Fishing Flies DIA20PK £1.20 A Diawl Bach tied on a buzzer hook with the std Diawl body then finished with a Red Tail and Beard. Add to Basket
In Stock Traditional Wet Flies Leven Spider Wet My Fishing Flies WTF080 £1.20 As its name would suggest, its one of the more popular bob flies on the Leven but works equally well where there are brown trout. Add to Basket
In Stock Muddlers Zulu Muddler My Fishing Flies MM38PK £1.40 Must be amongst the top wet flies or muddlers, this is a must for any body who likes this type of fishing. The red tag may have something to dpo with its success Add to Basket
In Stock Dry Flies - Traditional Olive Dark Hackled Dry My Fishing Flies DRY079PT £1.20 Its a case of matching the hatch with this one as its name suggests when dark olives are around give it a try. Add to Basket
Out-of-Stock Sedgehogs Claret Sedgehog My Fishing Flies SHG03PK £1.40 Does the usual job of all claret patterns when the fish are on this colour it catches them View
In Stock Snatchers - Barbless Kate McLaren Snatcher - Barbless My Fishing Flies Z-SNA10JN £1.20 A good colour combination in this pattern really helps, especially the yellow tail which is another addition that helps create movement and interest. Put together with the body hackle this is a tempting morsel and gives good results.Jan 19 Add to Basket