In Stock Flexi Floss Buzzers - Barbless Honey Bee Flexifloss Buzzer - Barbless My Fishing Flies Z-BFF26JN £1.00 Fl Orange Flexifloss and Orange Goose Biot Cheeks tied onto a Flybox Barbless Hook Mar 19 Add to Basket
Out-of-Stock Dancers - Barbless Black Holo Neon Dancer Barbless My Fishing Flies Z-DAN50PK £1.25 A Black dancer with holo blue livery what a revelation this had been catching just as often as the Standard version. View
In Stock Diawl Bach - Barbless Glow Cheeks Red Diawl Bach Barbless My Fishing Flies Z-DIA27PK £1.10 A holographic Red rib over peacock herl and bright red goose biot cheeks, deadly when there are sticklebacks about Add to Basket
In Stock Cormorants UV Olive Straggle Cormorant My Fishing Flies COR14PK £1.10 The addition of an Olive UV body has further enhanced this already top class pattern Add to Basket
In Stock Okey Dokeys - Barbless White/Lime Okey Dokey Barbless My Fishing Flies Z-BOD06PK £1.00 This buzzer has caught countless fish in all its different patterns with the white/lime probably being the most popular, but give the rest a try because you never know what may happen Add to Basket
In Stock Crunchers - Barbless Black Quill, Red Butt, Traffic Light Cheeks Cruncher Barbless My Fishing Flies Z-CRU028JY £1.20 One that has evolved from the competition scene, and it catches its fair share of fish as the Quill body gives it a great outline in the water and with traffic light cheeks WOW !!!!!!! Add to Basket
In Stock Flexi Floss Buzzers - Barbless Candy Cane Flexifloss Buzzer - Barbless My Fishing Flies Z-BFF28JN £1.00 A mix of White Glo Brite and Fl Pink Flexifloss tied onto a Flybox Barbless Hook Mar 19 Add to Basket
In Stock Foam Beetle Kicking UV Foam Beetle My Fishing Flies FM10PT £1.20 This beetle has a band of UV, which seems to attract fish and seems to trigger aggression, so watch out for these savage takes Add to Basket
In Stock Hot Head Buzzers - Barbless Hot Head Blue Boy Buzzer Barbless My Fishing Flies Z-BHH901JN £1.00 Epoxy Buzzer with a blue glass bead added for a slight amount of weight Add to Basket
In Stock Jelly Blobs - Barbless Blushing Sunburst Jelly Blob Barbless My Fishing Flies Z-BLJ23JY £1.10 FNF Safety Orange jelly fritz tied onto a Size 8 H260BL Hanak Hook. Add to Basket