Out-of-Stock Eggs Sweetcorn Yellow - Large Egg My Fishing Flies EGG12LG-JN £1.20 A bright Fluo yellow Egg fly, great attractor fished static or often now used for Grayling in rivers View
In Stock Snatcher Olive Snatcher My Fishing Flies SNA13JN £1.20 Always a favourite this produces the goods when olives are hatching. Add to Basket
In Stock UV Blobs UV Red Flashtail Blob My Fishing Flies BUV36JY £1.00 A bright Fire Engine UV Red flashtail blob irrisistable !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Add to Basket
In Stock CDC Shuttle Hares Ear CDC Shuttlecock My Fishing Flies CDS07PK £1.20 Another Buzzer pattern, this one is definitely for fishing on the top, to rising fish. Tied specifically to float high, with a dubbed body and this Hares Ear version is a great season long pattern Add to Basket
In Stock Damsels Hot Head Blood Red Standard Damsel My Fishing Flies DMS16PK £1.20 One of the few Blood Red Hot Head Damsels we sell, seems to do particularly well during mid season and on brighter days Add to Basket
In Stock Crunchers Black Holo Red Leggy Devil Cruncher My Fishing Flies CRU106JN £1.20 This Cruncher is Black and has Black Legs and a Holo Red Butt Add to Basket
In Stock Emerger Buzzers - Barbed Black Neon Emerger Buzzer My Fishing Flies EMG04JN £1.20 another great little Black emerger buzzer with a bright holographic Neon Rib Brilliant !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. Add to Basket
In Stock Epoxy Buzzers - Barbed Black Green Cheeks Epoxy Buzzer My Fishing Flies EPB005JN £1.00 There are many days when trout are switched on to black and green and this is just the same with buzzers, this is a deadly fly on its day. Add to Basket
In Stock Traditional Wet Flies Doobry Wet My Fishing Flies WTF040 £1.20 The great Stan Headley of Orkney devised this pattern to be fished on the top dropper to tempt up the Brownies its a classic and has caught fish everywhere. because the palmered hackles mimic insect legs movement on the surface film. Add to Basket