In Stock Crunchers Standard Nemo Red Cruncher My Fishing Flies CRU82JN £1.20 A Standard Cruncher with a bright holo Red rib Add to Basket
In Stock CDC Buzzer Bibio CDC Buzzer My Fishing Flies CDC706PK £1.20 Deadly pattern when buzzers are hatching, used on a floating line just cast it out and wait for the trout to take, or you can pull the fly under the water and wait for it to resuface this is usually enough for any hungry trout Add to Basket
In Stock Damsels Hot Head Dandy Blue Damsel My Fishing Flies DMS03PK £1.20 Hot Orange fluo bead and vibrant blue holo body and strands through the sparse marabou tail Add to Basket
In Stock Sedge Claret Ethafoam Sedge Emerger My Fishing Flies SED82PK £1.40 This can be a real winner it represents sedges sitting in the surface film and floats well with the ethafoam over the thorax as well as the deerhair wing emerging. Add to Basket
In Stock Diawl Bach Red Holo Body Diawl Bach My Fishing Flies DIA33PK £1.20 One of the most popular diawl bach versions there is, its popularity speaks for its self. Add to Basket
In Stock Diawl Bach Buzzer Holo Pearl Diawl Bach My Fishing Flies DIA15PK £1.20 A Holo pearl rib on this Diawl makes it just a little different Add to Basket
In Stock UV Epoxy Buzzers UV Black Holo Red Cheeks Epoxy Buzzer My Fishing Flies EPU06JN £1.00 Probably the most important pattern in my box fished on a floating line across the wind and allowed to drift, the fish just hook themselves Add to Basket
Out-of-Stock Apps Worms Northern Red Blood Worm - Barbed My Fishing Flies BLW09PK £1.20 This red northern bloodworm has proved to be a real fish killer this six legged version pulsates on the draw which means that it is best suited to an intermediate line with a quick draw retrieve. View