In Stock CDC Shuttle Olive CDC Shuttlecock My Fishing Flies CDS15PK £1.20 Another Buzzer pattern, this one is definitely for fishing on the top, to rising fish. Tied specifically to float high, with a dubbed body, and it is these that really hold the buzzer right on top of the water and at a slight angle this olive version is my particular favourite. Add to Basket
In Stock Crunchers Something or Nothing Cruncher My Fishing Flies CRU48JN £1.20 A Std cruncher with a neat wire Rib and split Jungle Cock Cheeks one of my best Crunchers last year Add to Basket
In Stock CDC Buzzer Bibio CDC Shipmans Buzzer My Fishing Flies BSH13PK £1.20 As a surface buzzer there are none better, as it represents the emerging buzzer, this one also benifits from the addition of CDC again no particular colour is better than the other but I usually favour darker colours but all of them work well Add to Basket
In Stock Crunchers Ians Fusion Olive Standard Cruncher My Fishing Flies CRU65JN £1.20 A Standard Cruncher with an Olive fusion thorax Add to Basket
In Stock Zonker Black Mylar Zonker My Fishing Flies ZNK15JN £1.40 the standard version of the Black Mylar Zonker, when you dont want to get down to deep. Add to Basket
Out-of-Stock Tungsten Flies Hares Ear Twinkle Tungsten My Fishing Flies NT02PT £1.30 Tungsten Bead, Hares Ear Body with a Flat Gold tinsel rib, Orange Seals fur thorax and most importantly a little twinkle tail View
In Stock Crunchers Ians Fiery Brown Fronz Cruncher My Fishing Flies CRU64JN £1.20 A Standard Cruncher with a Micro fronz thorax of Fiery Brown Stunning Add to Basket
In Stock Diawl Bach Red Butt, Black Organza Diawl Bach My Fishing Flies DIA85 £1.20 A modern variation of the pattern tied using black organza body for additional movement in the water, complimented with a red butt and fluorescent green cheeks Great used as a nymph in a washing line style. Add to Basket
In Stock Traditional Wet Flies Invicta Silver Wet My Fishing Flies WTF071 £1.20 The Silver Invicta is a favourite of fly fishers everywhere, especially when the trout are fry bashing. Add to Basket
In Stock Flexifloss Buzzers Black Hot Red Butt Flexifloss Buzzer My Fishing Flies BFF04JN £1.00 Another Black Flexifloss buzzer with a great little Red hot butt and Fluo Green goose biot cheeks Add to Basket