In Stock CDC F Fly Bibio CDC F Fly My Fishing Flies CDF01PK £1.20 First tied by Slovenian Marjan Fratnik, where he used it to great effect on his home rivers, it is a brilliant fly to use on rivers or stillwaters when flies are visable on the surface Add to Basket
In Stock Klinkhammer Flexi Olive Klinkhammer My Fishing Flies KL42PT £1.20 As the name would suggest it has a Flexi Rib Add to Basket
In Stock Hoppers Claret Holo Silver Hopper My Fishing Flies HPP15JN £1.20 A Claret bodied Hopper which has a bright Silver Holographic rib along the body and a small butt Add to Basket
In Stock CDC F Fly Yellow Owl CDC F Fly My Fishing Flies CDF12PK £1.20 The segmented style of body on this fly has proved to be a winner on many other patterns so there is no reason why it shouldnt on this F fly Add to Basket
In Stock UV Blobs UV Green Black Blob UV Tail My Fishing Flies BUV25SL £1.00 A great two tone UV Green/Black blob with a matching UV Tail , a really fantastic combination of colours Add to Basket
In Stock Emerger Buzzers - Barbed Black and Red Emerger Buzzer My Fishing Flies EMG06JN £1.20 Another cracking Black and Red Emerger buzzer , one of our top sellers , so it must work Add to Basket
In Stock Sedgehogs Olive Bumble Sedgehog My Fishing Flies SHG06PK £1.40 This is a bob fly rather than a dry, works best on a cast of 3 flies with this being on the top dropper Add to Basket
In Stock Epoxy Buzzers - Barbed Olive Holo Red Cheeks Epoxy Buzzer My Fishing Flies EPB058JN £1.00 A cracking Olive epoxy buzzer with bright Red Holographic cheeks Add to Basket
In Stock Barbed Fly Selections Diawl Bach Big Selection - Size 12 My Fishing Flies SEL 109 £19.95 A Selection of Two of each Size 12 Diawl Bach, 26 for the price of 20. 3D Silver, 3D Red, 3D Green, 3D Gold, 3D Neon, Devil Green, Holo Silver Body, Holo Pearl Body, Holo Green Body, Holo Neon Body, White Goose Biot Cheeks, Copper Wire, UV Rib. Add to Basket
In Stock Klinkhammer Black Klinkhammer My Fishing Flies KL02PT £1.20 Greatly underrated dry fly just match the colour of the hatching insect and watch out for these massive takes Add to Basket