In Stock Daddies Gold Head Pearly Daddy My Fishing Flies DAD63PT £1.20 A very different Goldhead Daddy this version has a bright pearly body it has been incredibly successful this season Add to Basket
In Stock Dry Flies - Traditional Black and Peacock Spider Dry My Fishing Flies DRY015PT £1.20 This can be very productive works well at times on many waters such as Howood,Rosslynlee etc. Add to Basket
In Stock Crunchers Standard Quill, Red Head Cruncher My Fishing Flies CRU010JN £1.20 The neat little quill body gives this cruncher a very natural looking outline in the water Add to Basket
Last items in stock CDC F Fly - Barbless Black CDC F Fly Barbless My Fishing Flies Z-CDF02PT £1.20 First tied by Slovenian Marjan Fratnik, where he used it to great effect on his home rivers, it is a brilliant fly to use on rivers or stillwaters when flies are visable on the surface Add to Basket
Out-of-Stock Sedge Devils Caddis Black Sedge My Fishing Flies SED11PK £1.40 A great little caddis pattern this one has a trimmed wing style of deer hair and a parachute hackle to make sure it can skim across the water View
In Stock Foam Flies - Barbless Black Floating Fry Barbless My Fishing Flies Z-FRY01PK £1.20 One of my favourites it seems that the fish like the outline against the sky Add to Basket
In Stock Daddies Muddler Daddy My Fishing Flies DAD16PT £1.20 A standard Daddy tied Muddler style, gink this one up and skite it across the water Brill !!!!! Add to Basket
In Stock Klinkhammer Killer Hares Ear Klinkhammer My Fishing Flies KL47PT £1.20 It doesnt look like much but this has caught me loads of fish, but it must be fished static do not move it just wait on the fish coming to you Add to Basket
In Stock Hoppers Red Spot Foam Hopper My Fishing Flies HPP41PK £1.20 Great little fly with a hotspot of colour to make it even more appetizing to the fish Add to Basket
In Stock Traditional Dry Flies - Barbless Black Midas Dry - Barbless My Fishing Flies Z-DRY102PT £1.20 Add to Basket