In Stock Booby Naturals / Booby Terrestrials Cruncher Black Cut Throat Booby My Fishing Flies BBY613JN £1.20 A Black cruncher booby with a red wire rib and Holo Red cheeks Add to Basket
In Stock CDC Dry Ians CDC Hot Butt Devil My Fishing Flies CDC527PK £1.20 One of our customers gets us to tie loads of these flies and he uses them when there are sedges about Add to Basket
In Stock Traditional Wet Flies Woodcock and Hares Lug Wet My Fishing Flies WTF128 £1.20 . Add to Basket
In Stock CDC F Fly Yellow Owl CDC F Fly My Fishing Flies CDF12PK £1.20 The segmented style of body on this fly has proved to be a winner on many other patterns so there is no reason why it shouldnt on this F fly Add to Basket
In Stock Salmon Doubles Mar Lodge Hairwing Double My Fishing Flies SAL57 £2.00 Originated in Scotland for the River Dee but also used widely used in Ireland particularly for spring fishing Add to Basket
In Stock Daddies Black Daddy My Fishing Flies DAD03PT £1.20 Daddy with a Black body, next to the standard one by far the most popular Add to Basket
In Stock Booby Mini UV Biscuit Mini Bite Booby My Fishing Flies BBY623JN £1.20 A new colour for us this Biscuit mini, I have yet to try this one but have no doubt it will catch Add to Basket
In Stock Lures Different Shaggy Straggle Consett My Fishing Flies LD09PK £1.20 Loosely based on the Consett Budgie colours this is one of a new range of Lures using extra long Straggle fritz Add to Basket
Last items in stock CDC Emerger Bibio Shuttle Emerger CDC My Fishing Flies CDC016PK £1.20 A shuttle emerger in the familiar black and red of the bibio style flies Add to Basket
In Stock Traditional Wet Flies Invicta Red Tail Wet My Fishing Flies WTF070 £1.20 The little change of the tail colour can be very productive on this pattern, can be deadly when there are sedges about. Add to Basket