In Stock Apps Worms Apps Ribbed Blood Worm - Barbed My Fishing Flies BLW04PK £1.20 The long rubber legs on this Apps pattern are irrisistable to fish and they have been extremely sucessful season after season this one also features a wire rib. Add to Basket
In Stock Bloodworm Black Critter Worm - Barbed My Fishing Flies BLW51PK £1.10 If customer feedback is anything to go by this is a sure fire winner, it has been taking limit bags wherever it has been used fish it on a floating line with long slow pulls Add to Basket
In Stock Perfect Rubber Worms Fl Orange Perfect Rubber Blood Worm - Barbed My Fishing Flies BLW32JN £1.20 This brilliant Orange coloured Perfect Rubber makes this bloodworm even better than the apps because it is softer and more boyant giving it great movement in the water. Add to Basket
In Stock Squirmy Worms Bloodworm Squirmy Worm - Barbed My Fishing Flies SQW11 £1.20 With a 4mm Brass Bead for weight, UV micro fritz body with Blood Red Squirmy legs - natural with a hint of sparkle !!!!!!!!!!!! Also available in Barbless Add to Basket
In Stock Chewing Gum Worms Hulk, Orange Bead Chewing Gum Worm My Fishing Flies CGW05PT £1.20 A Fl Orange Bead and FNF Jumbo Chewing Gum Worm Material tied on to a Kamasan B175 Size 10 Hook Add to Basket
In Stock Hoppers Orange Holo Silver Hopper My Fishing Flies HPP21JN £1.20 An Orange Hopper which has a bright Silver Holographic rib along the body and a small butt of silver Add to Basket
In Stock UV Blobs UV Orange Red UV Tail My Fishing Flies BUV24JY £1.00 This colour combination seems to work well and has produced some great results. Add to Basket
In Stock Dancers Standard Dancer My Fishing Flies DAN01PK £1.25 Originated in Lanarkshire this has become the most popular lure in Scotland over the past few years and it continues to be a success almost everywhere. Add to Basket
In Stock Dancers Hot Head Green Mini Dancer My Fishing Flies DAN906PK £1.25 This is a must for your flybox one of the most popular hothead lures tied Mini style Add to Basket
In Stock Daddies Tungsten Black Daddy My Fishing Flies DAD57PT £1.20 A rubber legged daddy with a Black tungsten bead for extra weight to really get it down quickly Add to Basket
In Stock CDC Shuttle Yellow Owl CDC Shuttlecock My Fishing Flies CDS18PK £1.20 By far the most popular of all the CDC Shuttlecocks a proven fish finder you should never be without this one Add to Basket
In Stock Nomads Ians Cat Nomad My Fishing Flies NMD07PK £1.50 A Nomad with a white Marabou tail and a Fluo Chartreuse Tungsten Bead on the body some UV micro fritz and a head of fluo green thread Add to Basket
In Stock CDC Shuttle Black CDC Shuttlecock My Fishing Flies CDS02PK £1.20 This one is definitely for fishing on the top, to rising fish. Tied specifically to float high, with a dubbed body (to which you can add just a little floatant under the thorax but do not add floatant to the CDC feathers) Add to Basket
In Stock Flexifloss Buzzers - Barbed Olive Hot Red Butt Flexifloss Buzzer My Fishing Flies BFF13JN £1.00 An Olive buzzer with an Olive Flexifloss Rib, Orange Cheeks and a small holo red butt as an aiming point. Add to Basket