Out-of-Stock Gold Head Blob Orange & Yellow Gold Head Blob My Fishing Flies BGH11JY £1.20 Very effective on these cloudy overcast days , this blob also has a pearl flashtail for that little bit extra attraction View
In Stock Blobs Fab Orange Yellow Sunburst Fab Blob My Fishing Flies BLB037JY £1.10 This triple coloured blob did really well late on in the season last year fished washing line style this on the tail. Add to Basket
In Stock Apps Worms Northern Orange Blood Worm - Barbed My Fishing Flies BLW08PK £1.20 Another stunning long rubber legged pattern this Orange one has fished really well all year. Add to Basket
In Stock Lures Different Ally McCoist My Fishing Flies LD01PK £1.20 From a local Flytyer this pattern has been the Lure to use, catches everywhere and has sold in its thousands Add to Basket
In Stock Dry Flies - Traditional Adams Dry My Fishing Flies DRY001PT £1.20 This a very versatile and effective dry fly as it covers most of the olives and the March browns too. Add to Basket
In Stock Humpy Pink Yellow Humpy Blob My Fishing Flies BLB065JY £1.10 A cracking two tone blob of Pink and Yellow, this one tied in the new Humpy style Add to Basket
In Stock Jelly FAB'S Cat Green Fab Jelly Blob My Fishing Flies BLJ931JY £1.10 Tied on a Size 8 B160 Kamasan Hook this Cat Green coloured Fab jelly blob is tied with fully Translucent Jelly Fritz Add to Basket
In Stock Bunny Leech UV Green/White Bunny Leech My Fishing Flies BNY06PK £3.40 Looking to catch fish in Deep water, this is one of the best flies to try and the UV and the long white rabbit fur tail on this pattern gives it an extra dimention Add to Basket
In Stock Hoppers Fiery Brown Holo Gold Hopper My Fishing Flies HPP16JN £1.20 A Fiery Brown bodied Hopper which has a bright Gold Holographic rib and butt Add to Basket
In Stock Frozen Partridge Frozen Partridge - Biscuit and Marshmallow Pink Jelly My Fishing Flies BLJ-FP01JY £1.10 FNF translucent jelly fritz tied on to a big mouth Partridge of Redditch hook Add to Basket